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Enduring Power of Attorney (EPA)

Sometimes, you will want someone else to be able to make decisions on your behalf about your property and finances or personal care and welfare.

What is an enduring power of attorney?

What is an Expert Review?

EPA who can manage my assets?
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Without an EPA in place, your loved ones would have to apply to the court for a property manager and/or a welfare guardian to be appointed in order to make decisions or take actions. This can be time consuming, costly and stressful; the person appointed by the Court may not be someone you would have chosen for the role.

Your nominated attorney will begin acting once you have lost capacity or in the case of a property EPA, you could choose for that to come into effect immediately. It would only be in the event that there is no EPA in place, there would be the need to apply to the court for authority to act. You can also appoint successor attorneys in the EPA documents in case their first choice attorneys cannot act as attorneys.

Activating enduring power of attorney (EPA)


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