Welcome to our First Manager’s Newsletter. We will be bringing you these newsletters to assist you with your annual statements, answer frequently asked questions and keep you updated on anything else you need to know.
At Public Trust we like to make the tricky seem simple. Keeping this in mind, here is some more information to assist you with your annual statements. As always, please get in touch if you have any questions.
On our website you can find a few handy resources to assist you in completing your property or annual statements, including:
Templates for your Property & Annual statements;
A list of the required supporting documents, including an indication of other assets that you might need to include in your statement;
Answers to frequently ask questions or the role of Public Trust and your responsibilities as manager;
Other resources, for example, a link to the PPPR Act
Submitting annual financial statements is an obligation in terms of the Sec 31 order by which you were appointed property manager for the subject person. As this is a responsibility in terms of a court order your filing obligation is towards the court and not towards Public Trust.
You should always file your statement with the court in the first instance. Once the court receives the statement they will send it to Public Trust with an instruction to review.
Only supporting document can be sent directly to Public Trust, when it was not included in your statement and Public Trust has requested you to submit support documents.
Before your statement is filed at court please check that:
The subject’s person’s name is on the statement;
The time period the statement covers is indicated on the statement – Property statement should be the court order date and Annual statements should be for a 12-month period (example: 1/07/2021 – 30/06/2022);
The statement is signed and dated – the managers signature represents confirmation that the information provided is true and correct;
The manager’s contact number and email address is provided;
The support documentation is attached – detailed bank statements for the entire period of the statement and receipts/invoices above $500.
This will ensure that the statement is correct and ensure that the review is done quickly and sufficiently.
Next time we will look at what the Public Trust process is when reviewing statements and why the need for support documents.
If you have any questions, please get in touch.