As we navigate the disruption COVID-19 has caused in New Zealand (and globally) our number one priority is to keep you safe whilst still providing quality service.
All of our Customer Centres are open as usual and our teams are ready to help you, so come in and see us! We have some additional safety measures in place for customers and our staff, which include:
Sign in using our visitor books
Sanitise hands upon arrival
Wearing a mask that covers your nose and mouth (masks will be available at all of our sites)
Maintain a 2-metre distance from other people where possible
If you’re not quite ready to come in-centre please book a virtual appointment here ( or simply start your Will, Enduring Power of Attorney or Statement of Wishes online here.
Your health is important, so if you are:
Unsure if you should attend an appointment due to having any of the below symptoms now or in the last 14 days
Fever, acute cough or shortness of breath
Muscle aches, loss of smell, sore throat
Generally feeling unwell with no other likely diagnosis
Someone in your household is unwell
You are awaiting test results
A recent returnee from an international flight
Immune compromised
Or a COVID-19 household contact
Please just let us know by calling 0800 371 471, you will then have the option to change your appointment.
We follow all of the above guidelines to ensure our team stays safe and healthy, but there may be times when we need to be cautious and follow the government’s health and safety guidance to take time off to prevent the spread of any sickness going around – in these cases we will
Try find an alternative staff member to proceed with your appointment
Alternatively we will contact you to reschedule your appointment
The Probate Unit is experiencing high volumes and a backlog of applications due to COVID circumstances and recent disruptions to the High Court functionality. Staff are again working on site, however please allow time for us to return to our standard processing times.
Applications can still be filed by post, DX or courier as normal. We are available via email, but please bear with us as our processing and response times are significantly impacted.
If you are enquiring about progress on a filed probate be aware that processing times are now unpredictable and a grant can take up to 8 weeks from the date of filing.If you have any questions, please get in touch with us on 0800 371 471.
We are here to help throughout these challenging times, simply call us on 0800 371 471 and let us know how we can help.