As an autonomous and self-funding Crown Entity, Public Trust is committed to transparency of government and the principles of freedom and availability of information under the Official information Act 1982 (OIA).
This guide sets out what information you can ask for, how to go about it, and what Public Trust is required to do in responding to your information request.
The OIA enables citizens, permanent residents, visitors to New Zealand, and body corporates registered or with a place of business in New Zealand, to make a request for Official Information held by government agencies, including Public Trust. Official Information will be made available unless there is a good reason to withhold it.
Official Information is any information held by agencies such as Public Trust, subject to important exceptions under the Act. For more information on Public Trust and the information we hold, please see the Ministry of Justice’s Directory of Information pages here.
Official Information within the meaning of the OIA does not include information held by Public Trust in its capacity as a trustee or in any other fiduciary capacity. This means that under the OIA, Public Trust cannot disclose any information relating to an estate, trust or individual customers.
If you want to request personal information about yourself held by Public Trust, you should request this under the Privacy Act 2020.
To make an Official Information request, please follow the instructions on this page and make your request as clear and specific as possible. For further information, the Ombudsman has a useful guide here.
If you choose to make a request in person or by phone, we may ask you to email or write to us. Alternatively, we will confirm it in written response to you where possible.
By letter, posting to PO Box, Private Bag 5902, Wellington.
Call 0800 371 471 within New Zealand
Before making your request, please check these links, as you may find the information you require is already available.
We will confirm receipt of your request as soon as possible and ordinarily decide on your request no later than 20 working days after we receive it. If the request can’t reasonably be responded to in accordance with the OIA within 20 working days, we may need to extend the time.
Any charge for making information available under the OIA shall be reasonable, in accordance with any relevant guidelines for charging for OIA requests. It may take into account the cost of the labour and materials involved in making the information available and any costs incurred pursuant to a request of the applicant to make the information available urgently.
Please contact us in the first instance to see if we can resolve the issue. Alternatively you can contact the Office of the Ombudsman with your complaint if you:
Have concerns regarding decisions made on your request
Were unhappy with the way your request was treated or processed
Your concerns may include:
The withholding of information
Extending the timeframe to respond to you
Any charges for providing the information you have requested
Delays in providing you with a decision or the information
Your request being transferred
The Office of the Ombudsman may make a recommendation to us if it is considered appropriate after reviewing your complaint.
Public Trust is committed to proactively releasing official information and publishing responses to OIA requests which are of public interest.