If you’re launching or managing a venture, our insights and experience will help to ensure a solid foundation, enhance your project’s credibility, and gain the confidence of investors.
We provide corporate trustee services to many of the best known names in the finance and investment industry, both locally and internationally.
Enjoy the security of knowing you’re working with a division of Public Trust, New Zealand’s sole Crown Entity trustee organisation.
We work with business customers and groups of investors on a wide range of public and private investment schemes.
Our specialist services include:
Managed investment schemes (registered and wholesale schemes)
Debt issues
Structured finance arrangements
Custodial services
Paying agent
Escrow agent
Facility agent
Statutory supervisor for Retirement Villages
We also have strategic relationships with other parties to enable us to tailor solutions that enhance the level of service we can provide to you.
Whatever the nature of your venture, we'll ensure you have a sound foundation to work from - and provide timely advice to assist you on the journey to achieving your business objectives.
If you're thinking about using a corporate trustee, get in touch with us early so you can utilise our experience from the outset. We can help you assess options, identify potential issues, and make key decisions that can save you time and money later.
We’ll become your trusted partner, working closely beside you to provide advice and quick responses. We work to understand your business, so we can provide advice that’s relevant and appropriate to your situation. You'll also have access to technical support from the wider Public Trust network, as needed.
Once your venture is launched, you’ll find us:
Consulting with you, keeping you fully informed
Continuing to be proactive
Monitoring compliance
Meeting with you regularly to review progress
Providing feedback and suggestions to streamline your processes and systems
Gain the advantage of a quality service tailored to your commercial objectives with Corporate Trustee Services by your side - we are committed to finding solutions that help your venture succeed.
The Public Trust name represents integrity, honesty and reliability. If you're launching a venture, our reputation, experience and approach will enhance your project's credibility and help gain the confidence of investors and their advisers.
Corporate Trustee Services' strengths are our reputation, our established roots and depth of experience. We’re the first choice for many New Zealand corporate organisations.
We’re a division of Public Trust, New Zealand’s sole crown-owned trustee organisation and known for stability, integrity and reliability.
We’ve been providing services to a wide range of public and private schemes since 1967, and are retained by many of New Zealand's most respected financial services and investment companies.
We work in partnership with you to help you balance commercial reality with the need to meet your legal obligations. You'll find the way we work is different from other corporate trustees.
Our team has broad financial and commercial expertise, and can offer quality advice based on practical experience. We’ve been involved with a diverse range of corporate trustee appointments.
Corporate Trustee Services operates independently of other Public Trust divisions, but can access its resources and skills as needed. Corporate Trustee Services does not have any commercial investment vehicle of our own, nor are we subject to governance from any commercial or offshore institution.
Corporate Trustee Services is an active industry participant and is a member of the Corporate Trustees Association CTA (previously known as TCA - Trustee Corporations Association).
Under the Financial Markets Supervisors Act 2011 (FMS Act) Public Trust is licensed by the Financial Markets Authority (FMA) to act as a trustee or supervisor of:
Regulated offers of debt securities
Registered schemes (including managed investment schemes, KiwiSaver schemes, Non-fund schemes, Specified managed funds, Superannuation schemes)
Retirement villages.
Public Trust’s licence was renewed by the FMA on 16 January 2023 and expires on 17 January 2028.
Details of Public Trust’s licence can be found in: Financial Markets Authority Supervisor Licence - Public Trust or on the FMA’s website.
Public Trust is also licensed under the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013 to provide corporate independent trustee services to restricted schemes. The licence is issued subject to the Financial Markets Conduct (Corporate Trustees) Exemption Notice 2016. Details of Public Trust's licence can be found in: Financial Markets Authority Market Service Licence - Public Trust [PDF].
In our latest CTS thought-leadership event, we explored the “two sides of the coin” when it comes to using AI in the investment industry; the possibilities, and the associated risks and responsibilities. The discussion delved into what can be done, and what should be done through the use of innovative AI tools.
It has been over 10 years since Public Trust was licenced under the Financial Markets Supervisors Act 2011, becoming one of the inaugural licenced supervisors and one of the first market participants to be subject to a licencing regime overseen and administered by the Financial Markets Authority (FMA). During this time, we have witnessed significant change in the regulation of the investment management industry.
In April 2021, the Financial Markets Authority (FMA) published guidance aimed at helping licenced fund managers ensure that their fees are reasonable, and also that those services represent good value for money.
Public Trust, in conjunction with other members of the Trustee Corporations Association (TCA), is working with the FMA on how the guidance should be uniformly applied to the schemes they supervise.