If you feel we have let you down in some way or you’d like to share your appreciation of the service you have experienced, please get in touch:
Public Trust Customer Feedback
Private Bag 5902
Wellington 6140
We take your feedback seriously. If something wasn’t as good as it should have been, we’d like to put things right. We promise to:
promptly acknowledge that we have received your feedback or concern
work with you to address your complaint as quickly as possible
aim to resolve your complaint within 10 working days.
If you are not satisfied with the outcome, you have the option to escalate the matter to our senior management team for further review. You also have the option of escalating your concerns to our external disputes resolution provider, Financial Services Complaints ltd. (FSCL), whose details are listed below.
Occasionally, disputes prove difficult to resolve. If we can’t come to a resolution, this is called reaching deadlock. You can request a letter of deadlock from us if you feel we’ve reached this stage.
You do have the option of contacting our external dispute resolution provider Financial Services Complaints Limited (FSCL) any time during this process. FSCL is a financial ombudsman service, providing an independent, free, and fair resolution service. We abide by FSCL’s ruling in all cases.
Financial Services Complaints Limited
PO Box 5967
Wellington 6145