Every Kiwi should make a will and have a say in how your estate should be distributed. Start yours online today to ensure the people and things you love are taken care of after you’re gone.
There’s a lot to think about when a loved one passes away; let us make it a little simpler for you. Find resources and support for after someone has died.
If something prevents you from managing your own affairs, or you simply want someone to do it for you, a trusted EPA can make decisions on your behalf.
A trust supports the people or causes you care about after you’re gone. Look into creating a prepaid funeral trust, charitable trust, family trust or inheritance trust.
Independent, licensed supervision for regulated products and managed investment schemes. Comply with all obligations under the guidance of collaborative experts.
Tailored solutions for investment managers, asset managers, and managers of participatory schemes. Secure your transactions and settlements with a proven team.
If you have feedback, want to share appreciation or you feel we have let you down in some way, we’d love to hear from you.
Call us on 0800 371 471Email us on [email protected]